
Burnt Friedman & Jaki Liebezeit - Secret rhythms (2002)

A Friedman ya lo tuvimos por acá (como solista y como una de las mitades de Flanger) y Jaki Liebezeit fue nada menos que baterista de Can. Juntos lograron uno de mis discos favoritos en mucho tiempo. Es de esa música en la que uno nota que los músicos son virtuosos, capos en serio, pero a diferencia de una banda de jazz por ejemplo, no necesitan meter escalas raras ni solos alucinantes. Es como una jammeada dub pero inteligentosa, con ritmos apacibles pero atípicos, acompañados a veces por un vibráfono que suena exquisito, demostrando otra vez (junto a Mercury program) que para cierta música es un instrumento infalible. Altamente recomendable.

3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

Hello Perucho,
please remove all Nonplace related download material as soon as possible, if you have respect to musician. Secret rhythms is not out of print yet and still available on http://nonplace.de/

Bernd Friedmann (Copyright holder)

PERUCHO dijo...

Hi Bernd, ok i'll remove the download link, altough i cannot be sure you are who you say you are.

If you're NOT Bernd, well fuck you.

But if you are, first of all I must tell you I'm a big fan of your music, with the dub players, flanger and your solo albums, I think I've heard almost all of them and to me you're amazing.

But then, do you know how I got to know your music? Through blogs such as this, where fans just want to share it because it blows their minds. No one here is trying to get profit out of doing this... well at least not me.

And sure it'd be nice to have your records, but they don't sell them here in South America.

I repeat, if you are Bernd, sorry for the inconvenience, i'll remove the download link, and you rock.

If you're not, die.